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Description of Development

This consultation, which ran from 24thDecember 2020 to 21stJanuary 2021 has now closed. Many thanks to those who participated.

Please find information about the amended plans below.

Outline Planning application with all matters other than access reserved for the development of the site for up to 167,225m2 of B8/B2 (up to 20% B2 floor space), ancillary office and associated site facilities floor space, car parking, landscaping, site profiling, transport, drainage and utilities infrastructure.

Address: land at A580 East Lancashire Road / A49 Lodge Lane, Haydock, St Helens, (known as Haydock Point)

Local Planning Authority: St Helens Borough Council (LPA application reference: P/2017/0254/OUP)

Appellant: Peel L&P Developments Ltd

Appeal reference: APP/H4315/W/20/3256871

On 29 July 2020 an appeal was made to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government under Section 78(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) against the failure of St Helens Borough Council to determine the above referenced planning application at Haydock Point within the statutory timeframes prescribed by the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 and the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011.

A Public Inquiry into the appeal proposals is to be held from 9 February 2021.

Following the submission of the appeal, as a result of concerns of the Council’s landscape officer and members of the planning committee, minor changes have been made to the appeal proposals.

As the appeal is to be determined by a Planning Inspector and not St Helens Borough Council, and it is necessary to ensure all parties have the opportunity to comment on the updated proposals, the appellant is making the updated documents available for comment for 28 days, between the dates of 24 December 2020 and 21 January 2021.

This consultation has now closed.

You are still able to view the consultation materials below:

Briefing Note

An updated Green Infrastructure Mitigation plan

An updated Illustrative Masterplan

An updated Parameters Plan


Consultation responses will be made available to SHBC and the Planning Inspectorate/Secretary of State.  It will not be forwarded to any other third parties.  You can contact us at any time to request the deletion of your information.

Anything you submit as part of this consultation may be posted on SHBC or the Planning Inspectorate website so you may wish to take steps to prevent identity fraud such as not using hand-written signature or displaying a telephone number.  Where certain statements may be seen to be discriminatory or defamatory and may be actionable, SHBC and / or the Planning Inspectorate will blank out these parts for the purposes of electronic and paper files.  Representations can be made available for public inspection in accordance with the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, even if marked confidential or similar.